sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

Our Weird World – Stuff From Above!

Alright a quick but much needed update to lighten the mood after that disturbing last post I made! And you know what, my connection conveniently fell exactly as I hit that Share tab when I made that update, so if you’re on my list but didn’t hear about it then take heed that it was probably the darkest thing we’ll probably ever see here. But this is different, and it’s another Youtube find I’d like to share real fast, it also complements that post I made back in June showing those Christian pamphlets and flyers I had put together. So now we’re shifting from propaganda to a showcase of weirdo televangelism!  On the earliest days of The Daily Show, TV personality Joe Bob Briggs (John Bloom) from TNT's Monstervision had a segment back then titled God Stuff. I believe this is the half-hour compilation special of that segment and believe me when I say it has everything! It’s not just Christians, you also get dancing Rabbis, Ufologists with teddy bears, Tony Danza, Fred Phelps, wrestlers, everything!

Give it a quick watch, and I hope you enjoy!

- AA

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